Early Morning Habits to Guarantee Success – Top 5 List

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What if I say that you are just one simple step away from being the best version of yourself. Would you follow that step? Without beating around the bush, that one step is “Waking up early”. Our ancestors were not wrong when they said “Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”. Many of us are following this one simple advice of developing good early morning habits and are tasting success in every walk of our lives.

Now it’s just not waking up early that’ll take you to success but it’s what you do when you wake up. You can’t expect success if you wake up early and scroll through your Instagram. So here we are suggesting to you, the five very simple early morning habits which successful people have, that you can develop so as to guarantee success.

1. Exercise/yoga

1st early morning habit i.e. doing exercise

It is very appropriate to say that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Doing exercise or yoga releases happy hormone due to which we feel good and confident. Sir Richard Branson, a British Billionaire, exercises every morning without fail.

I seriously doubt that I would have been as successful in my career and happy in my personal life if I hadn’t always placed importance on my health and fitness.

Sir Richard Branson

Doing exercise daily means we are keeping our body fit. This means fewer health issues, less distraction, and most importantly less expenditure on Medical bills which are very huge these days. 

Also, you don’t want to be a wealthy guy with a belly. 30 min of normal whole-body workout or Yoga will be sufficient to get you going for the whole day.

2. Meditation

2nd early morning habit i.e. meditating

When you sleep or even lie down you give your body a much-required rest from the fatigue of your whole day. You repeat this every day because your body needs it. But what we don’t realize is that our mind is still working during our sleep, in fact, it is working even more. So our mind works all day all night long without break. That’s why we need meditation. To give the mind its well-deserved rest. 

There’s a lot of noise outside and inside which needs to be cleaned which can only be done through meditation. 

The executive chairman of Ford Motor Company, Bill Ford takes time to meditate each day, no matter what. In an article published in Harvard Business Review, he said –

The practice of mindfulness kept me going during the darkest days.

Bill Ford

Among the positives are reduced stress, enhanced focus, better control over emotions, and even higher relationship satisfaction. 

3. Affirmations and Visualization


What is the first thought that comes to your mind when you see something really good but it’s out of your budget? No, this can’t be bought. This is what is hammered into our minds from our childhood. And that’s how we behave when we grow up. We give up before trying.

This negative hammering needs to be eliminated from our minds. And affirmation is the way to do it. Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. 

Many celebrities like Jenifer Lopez, Oprah Winfrey, Jim Carrey have credited their success to affirmations they did. They told themselves that they can achieve it and they did. 

With affirmations comes visualization. Therefore, visualize what you want to achieve as if you’ve achieved it. The target is to register it in your subconscious so that you’re always aware of your dream and work accordingly.

There are so many techniques of affirmations and visualization that you can see on various YouTube Channels.

4. Plan your day and write your goals

Write your goals

This is one habit that acts as a head start for you as compared to your peers who must be sleeping at that time. Planning your day and writing your goal make you aware of what needs to be done throughout your day. Also through this, you can track your progress throughout your day. Being busy in the hustle of the day, we tend to forget some tasks to execute. 

Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.

Abraham Lincoln

Try to complete the major tasks first thing in the morning as the brain is more active at that time. Also, it’ll give you a sense of achievement and give you more confidence. If you can achieve every milestone you wrote in the morning then celebrate, give yourself a treat. It may sound childish but it has a great effect on how you approach your planned tasks.

5. Read

Read Book

This one is my personal favorite among the stated 5 early morning habits. It won’t be wrong to say that ‘you are what you read’. When you read something early in the morning, there is more chance of retaining that thing in your mind. Also, it is proven that one can read faster in the morning. 

Reading different books enhances your knowledge bank, sharpens your skill and personality. You will be able to add more value to your life as well as to the life of your peers. 

Bill Gates read around 50 books a year that is roughly one book a week. Warren Buffett gives credit of his success to the book called – The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham

It’s not like you start reading one book a week. Start by increasing 10 pages a day. And, in this way, you’ll read around 3650 pages which is equivalent to around 15-20 books per year. 

You can also read our article on the top 50 habits of billionaires. Click here to read

So, readers, now that you know about this success mantra of developing early morning habits. However, now it depends upon the execution part which is waking up early and developing a few habits stated.

Thank you for reading and if you want your friends to be with you in this journey of waking up early and excelling in life then feel free to share this article with them. And, share your thoughts and experience in the comment box below.

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