The 10X Rule book best lessons– Top 10 List

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From the first year of our college, we’ve read multiple articles on “How to be successful in anything you do?” But never have we ever found anything like this book. The book The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone sums up the success mantra in a very direct way. You can actually feel that the book is telling you to get off your couch and work. The book is written by Grant Cardone who is a self-made millionaire. The guy was broke at 25 and now travels in his private jet. So when he says something, it’s coming from experience and hard work. Here are the top 10 lessons from The 10X Rule book –

1. 10X targets and 10X actions

10X targets and 10X actions from book The 10X Rule

The author tells us to multiply the targets we have set by 10. He says that people fail because they don’t set their targets high enough. They set their goals in their comfort zone and then fail to achieve that also.

If you want to earn 1 lakh rupees then set your target to 10 lakhs. Then multiply your actions by 10 and start working. Irrespective of how good your product or service is, you will always find something in your way you didn’t account for. For example – New government policy, new cheaper competitive product, any global epidemic, etc. can come any time without any invitation. So if you are going for 10 lakhs rupees, then there are high chances that you will be able to achieve 1 lakh and more in your decided time.

Never reduce a target. Instead, increase actions

Grant Cardonne, The 10X Rule

It is your thoughts and action which have brought you where you are right now. To go farther than you thought, both actions and thought should be at 10X levels.

You can also read our article on the top 50 habits of Billionaires to know successful people’s habits. Click here to read

2. Success- An obligation

Success is an obligation as defined in  The 10X Rule

There is no fixed definition of success. It varies from person to person. It also depends upon where the person is in life and what has grabbed his attention. Getting success in life should be an obligation. Treating it like a choice is one of the major reasons why people don’t have it in life.

Success must be approached from an ethical viewpoint. Success is your duty, obligation, and responsibility.

Grant Cardonne, The 10X Rule

You have two options, either go for your goals with a do or die mentality or live a life making excuses as to why you couldn’t achieve them. And stop behaving like there is a shortage of success in the world. It is not like depleting oil reserves. It is created by the people who have no limits. And, it is entirely possible for anyone.

3. Taking responsibility for everything

Take responsibility

If you have to take control of your success then you have to take responsibility for everything that is happening in your life. When you take credit for good things happening in your life, you also have to believe that anything bad that has happened is caused by you.

If you are not first, you are last.

Grant Cardonne, The 10X Rule

Take a position that you dictate what is happening in your life; not that everything is happening to you. When you start taking responsibility, then you start finding solutions to your problem.

4. Four (4) degrees of action

Four (4) degrees of action from The 10X Rule

The author tells that there are four (4) degrees of action that an individual can work upon –

  1. Do nothing- It is exactly what it sounds. Individuals stop taking action.
  2. Retreat- The individual starts taking action in the reverse direction. They become defensive and fear about the negative experiences they can have if they take action.
  3. Take normal levels of actions- Most of the people come in this category. These people are considered normal. These people think that if success comes then let it come. They don’t go for it.  
  4. Take massive action- This is a ‘stop at nothing’ kind of action. This kind of action creates new problems. You start thinking more about your goals and hence take actions aligned to your goals.

Regardless of which degree of action you operate in, they all require work in their own ways

Grant Cardone, The 10X Rule

The author tells you to operate at the fourth degree of action. Because this is the only degree of action that can take you to the goals you have ever dreamt of.

5. Domination not Competition

Dominate not compete

People think when you are competing in the market; it brings the best out of you. But the author says that ‘competition is for sissies’. Never try to compete, always go for dominating your field.

Avoid chasing others; make others chase you.

For example, the market of copying machines was so dominated by the Xerox company that even today we say Xerox and not copy.

Do something which others are not doing. This will give you an advantage over others. But this will come into the picture if you first decide to dominate the field.

6. Obsession

Sachin Tendulkar

The word ‘Obsession’ is always used in a negative sense. But the author says that Obsession is a gift. It is evident from human history as well. Those who were obsessed have always done or achieved something remarkable.

Become obsessed about the things you want; otherwise, you are going to spend a lifetime being obsessed with making up excuses as to why you didn’t get the life you wanted.

Grant Cardone, The 10X Rule

It took obsession for Sachin Tendulkar to hit 100 centuries; Edison to invent the bulb; Bill gates to become the richest.

7. Going all in and Overcommit

Go all in

We are always taught to be defensive and not to put everything at risk. This is evident from the type of investments we make. We go for FDs and PPF instead of stocks.

You don’t have any limits; it’s you who put limits on yourself. Do not under-commit and over-deliver; instead, over-commit and, figure out how to show up at higher levels.

So tie your shoelace and go all in.

8. Fear as an indicator

Be fearless

What is our first reaction when we encounter a fearful situation?  We run away from it. But the author says otherwise. He tells us not only to face it but do it. Do the things you have fear for. Fear is an indicator that you are doing what needs to be done.

Fear is False Events Appearing Real. When you face a fearful situation, don’t let your fear grow; don’t give it the oxygen or space to grow; either deal with it by attacking it.

That person will advance the most, who takes massive action in a fearful situation.

9. Time management- A myth

The author says that time management is a myth. The people who talk about time management are the ones who think in terms of shortages in everything.

The first thing you must do is make success your duty by setting distinct and definitive priorities.

Grant Cardonne, The 10X Rule

The author has successfully built 3 companies from zero. He says that he has never ever thought about time management. He was so busy taking massive action that he didn’t have time to think about time management itself. The moment you achieve one goal you’ve set for yourself, then it’s time to establish a new target.

10. Criticism- A sign of Success

Criticism is a sign of success

Criticism is not something that you should avoid; nor it is something that should stop you from doing what you were doing. It is something that is bound to come when you start hitting big.

Why is always an international cricketer criticized and not a state player? Because the cricketer has made it big. If Virat Kohli had stopped after hearing the critics then he would not have been such a great player.

Criticism is a sign of success. If someone is criticizing you that means you have their attention; if you have their attention then it means you have done something worth noticing.

So reader, now you have the success mantra from the book, The 10X Rule, then it is time to implement it. If you liked what you just read, please feel free to share it amongst your peers and go on a journey of success with them. Do share your thoughts as well in the comment section below.

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